



In Management Studio, you can right click on the tables group to create a filter for the table list. Has anyone figured out a way to include multiple tables in the filter? For example, I'd like all tables with "br_*" and "tbl_*" to show up.

Anyone know how to do this?


+2  A: 

no, you can't do this. When we first got management studio I've tried every possible combination of everything you could think of: _, %, *, ", ', &&, &, and, or, |, ||, etc...

+1  A: 

At first it looks like it could use a CONTAINS query (e.g. ' "br_*" OR "tbl_*" ' ), but it doesn't seem to. It seems to only support a value that is then passed into a LIKE clause (e.g. 'app' becomes '%app%').


You might be able to roll your own addon to SMSS that would allow you to do what you are looking for:

The Black Art of Writing a SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Add-In

Extend Functionality in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio with Add-ins

The first one is specifically for searching and displaying all schema objects with a given name so you might be able to expand upon that for what you are looking for.


I've used Toad for SQL Server (freeware version) which has very nice filtering options.