I have the following query:
var MyQuery = from e in ContractContext.Equipments.Include("Manufacturers")
where e.Customers.ID == customer.ID
select e;
And everything works, I get my Equipments and it loads the Manufacturers table correctly (eagerly). But when I try to do the following many-to-many query:
var MyQuery = from e in ContractContext.Equipments.Include("Manufacturers")
where e.Customers.ID == customer.ID
from cce in e.ContractEquipments
where cce.Contracts.EndedOn >= DateTime.Today
select e;
where "ContractEquipments" is a many-to-many lookup between "Equipments" and "Contracts", but when this query runs, the Manufacturers table no longer gets easily loaded. Any idea how to fix this without doing the following:
if (MyEntity.Manufacturers.IsLoaded == false)
This project takes hours execute and I want to keep the number of database calls down.
EDIT #1:
I also tried this without success:
var MyQuery = from e in ContractContext.Equipments.Include("Manufacturers")
where e.Customers.ID == customer.ID
join cce in ContractContext.ContractEquipments
on e.ID equals cce.Equipments.ID
where cce.Contracts.EndedOn >= DateTime.Today
select e;