



I am trying to use a CBT hook to receive HCBT_MOVESIZE notifications. It works fine for all applications when I run my program from a folder on my desktop. When I install the application to the "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86" folder I only receive notifications for my own application. The .exe file is signed and works perfectly in Windows XP. I am only receiving these errors in Vista x86/x64. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this? Thanks!

+3  A: 

Might be a UIPI issue:

User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI) implements restrictions in the windows subsystem that prevents lower-privilege applications from sending window messages or installing hooks in higher-privilege processes.

from Microsoft's Windows Integrity Mechanism Design

The strange thing is that it works fine until I copy the files to the "Program Files" folder. I haven't been able to find any docs that say that folder is more restrictive.
Jon Tackabury
Search the article for "Program Files" and you'll see that there is at least one rule that might explain the difference between Desktop and Program Files.
According to that article, the only way it should work is when it is in the "Program Files" folder, but I'm seeing the opposite behaviour. :(
Jon Tackabury
Have you tried implementing the UIAccess security attribute as described in the article?
I have. I have a manifest file embedded in the application and the DLLs. I have it set to "asInvoker" and "UIAccess=true".
Jon Tackabury
Have you checked the return value of SetWindowsHookEx?
If SetWindowsHookEx is not returning an error, run Process Explorer ( to see if you DLL is getting loaded into other processes.