



How do I in .NET format a number as percentage without showing the percentage sign?

If I have the number 0.13 and use the format string {0:P0} the output is 13 %.

However I would like to get 13 instead, without having to multiply the number by 100 and using the format string {0:N0}.

(Background: In ASP.NET I have a GridView with a BoundField where I would like to display a number as percentage but without the percentage sign (%). How do I do that?)

Thanks for the answers. At the time of editing 4 out of 6 suggest what I would like to avoid, as explained above. I was looking for a way to use a format string only, and avoid multiplying by 100 and using {0:N0}, but the answers indicate that's impossible...

Solved by using the accepted solution by Richard:

public class MyCulture : CultureInfo
    public MyCulture()
        : base(Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name)
        this.NumberFormat.PercentSymbol = "";

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new MyCulture();
+8  A: 

Why don't you just multiply the number by 100 and use your "{0:N0}" format string? That seems to me to be the easiest solution.

Unless you can come up with a viable reason why that's out of the question, that's my advice. It's not rocket science :-)

+1 It's either this or trim the %-sign after formatting it to {0:P0}
Thanks. Does that mean there is no way to scale the number in a format string? Maybe I should formulate another question like that.
Ole Lynge
+1  A: 

The MSDN* has this under "Custom Numeric Format Strings":

The presence of a '%' character in a format string causes a number to be multiplied by 100 before it is formatted. The appropriate symbol is inserted in the number itself at the location where the '%' appears in the format string. The percent character used is dependent on the current NumberFormatInfo class.

But the example shows that it also outputs the % sign - not what you want, but perhaps settable to nothing via the NumberFormatInfo class?

However, I agree with Pax and can't see why do don't go with the * 100 and {0:N0}

*Accessing from within Visual Studio so no link

+1  A: 

How about this...

Loki Stormbringer
Replace(" %"... - I thing that contains a space... or trim right the end result :)
This could fail in some situations, the % sign used is affected by culture.
+1 "affected by culture"
+3  A: 

but multiplying by 100 is exactly what you want!

protected void myGrdiView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
    if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
        myObjectType ot = (myObjectType)e.Row.DataItem;

        ot.myNumber = ot.myNumber * 100; // multiply by 100

and in the HTML

<asp:BoundField DataType="myNumber" HeaderText="%" StringFormat="{0:N0}" />

How about a trim?

double d = .102;
string percent = d.ToString("P0").Trim(' ', '%');
Colin Burnett

A points to consider first, a percentage displayed without a % is a number so lets ignore the percentage aspect. You want to know how to display a number that's 1 or less as 100 or less. I appreciate that it's bound so you can't modify it at display time so why not modify it at query time, i.e. SELECT (value*100) AS Percentage, ...?


You could also try something like

string newString = "0.13".Replace("0.", string.Empty) + "%";

+4  A: 

Define a custom culture with its own NumberFormatInfo which returns String.Empty for its PercentSymbol property.

Then use that custom culture for impacted pages (or for the whole application). This could be done by cloning from the default so other regional settings are preserved.

Thanks! Yes indeed that does the trick!
Ole Lynge