




I asked a similar question yesterday which may have been poorly worded, either way I didn't understand and this is something I really need to crack :) I've never done it before and would be very useful for so many of my projects.

This is for a directory website. I have three tables: entry, location, and entry-locations. entry contains information about a building such as name, address, image, etc. location is simply a list of possible locations each building could be. The location table is pretty much irrelevant for this example, it just contains information about the location which I could display on other areas of the site.

entry-locations is a table which links the entries to the locations. It only has two fields, entry-id and location... If you're wondering why I need a seperate table for this is because the same building could have multiple locations (don't ask).

Basically, what I need to do is display listings from each location it's own page. For example, I need to list every building in France, so the query needs to go through the entry-locations table returning every record with the location 'France', then it needs to pull all the data from the entry table corresponding to the entry-id's returned.

I'm sure there is a way to do this with one query and would be extremely greatful if I could be shown how, I could replicate this in so many projects.


select * from entry where id in (select entry-id from entry-locations)

If you value performance, this is not yet the way to go.
Could you offer an alternative?
+5  A: 
Like I said the location table is completely irrelevant, it doens't need to be in the query at all. All I need is (in words): "select * from entry-locations where location = 'France'", but then I need to get the entry id's from the resulting records and display data from the entry table for each one...
How can you say that it is irrelevant when you want to constrain your results based on the location's name?
And no, you get the aggregated data from all tables you join with, ie. all columns. If you just want the data in the entry-table, see my edit above
Pretend there is only two tables, 'entry-locations' and 'entry'. 'entry-locations' contains entry-id and location, entry-id corresponds to an ID in the entry table, location is just a word. Do you understand now?
I'm not sure.. but I gave it a shot. If this is not correct, could you provide SHOW CREATE TABLE for each of the involved tables?
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `entry` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `address` text NOT NULL, `postcode` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `link` ( `eid` int(11) NOT NULL, `location` varchar(255) NOT NULL) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;The entry-locations table is now called link for ease. Thanks for all your help so far!
Your last query brings up no errors so it might be working, but how using PHP can I pull and display the data? I'm using this kind of set up at the moment:while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $name=$r["name"]; echo "$name";}
The column name will be 'entry.name' or similar. Do a var_dump($r);
I've got to this:while($r=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $name=var_dump($r["entry.name"]); echo "$name"; echo "lol";}I put the echo lol in for a test, the lol is not displaying, I guess that means the query is not returning any data?

If I got your idea, you need: select e.* frmm entry join entry-locations as as l ON l.entry-id=e.id WHERE l.location='France'


Imagine you have this data:


| 1|Foo |
| 2|Bar |


|1       |France  |
|2       |Greece  |
|2       |France  |

This is how I understand the tables from your description. A more common approach is to have

Entry_Location(entry_id, location_id)

This is also the source of some of the confusions in the other posts, I think.

Now, ask MySql to fetch data from both tables, where the id's match up.

SELECT entry.* 
FROM `entry`, `entry-location` as el
WHERE entry.id = el.`entry-id`
AND el.location = 'France';

MySql now treats your data like one table, looking like this:

|       1|       Foo|     France|
|       1|       Foo|     Greece|
|       2|       Bar|     France|

And from that table it selects the entries where el.location = 'France', and returns the specified fields.

This query fetches all the fields from the entry table that matches the requirements you set. First it makes MySql think of the two tables as one table, by SELECT-ing from both of them.

Have a look at MySql's SELECT reference.
