In a web application that I have run across, I found the following code to deal with the DataContext when dealing with LinqToSQL
public partial class DbDataContext
public static DbDataContext DB
if (HttpContext.Current.Items["DB"] == null)
HttpContext.Current.Items["DB"] = new DbDataContext();
return (DbDataContext)HttpContext.Current.Items["DB"];
Then referencing it later doing this:
DbDataContext.DB.Accounts.Single(a => a.accountId == accountId).guid = newGuid;
I have been looking into best practices when dealing with LinqToSQL.
I am unsure about the approach this one has taken when dealing with DataContext not being ThreadSafe and keeping a static copy of it around.
Is this a good approach to take in a web application?
@Longhorn213 - Based on what you said and the more I have read into HttpContext because of that, I think you are right. But in the application that I have inherited it is confusing this because at the beginning of each method they are requerying the db to get the information, then modifying that instance of the datacontext and submitting changes on it.
From this, I think this method should be discouraged because it is giving the false impression that the datacontext is static and persisting between requests. If a future developer thinks that requerying the data at the beginning of a method because they think it is already there, they could run into problems and not understand why.
So I guess my question is, should this method be discouraged in future development?