I am using IE 6 (corporate mandated version) on XP, as well as (primarily) Firefox 3. In these, I am making a DHTML table using the prototype.js library version
I have event handler javascript code to add a row to the table, which works fine under Firefox, but is completely ignored under Internet Explorer. I can walk through the code in the MS "script debugger" (yes, I know it's old and deprecated, but it was available), so I know the event is being hooked.
The code is something of the form:
var xTable = $( 'x_list') // id of x...
var aRow = new Element( 'tr')
aRow.setAttribute( 'id', id)
. . .
var xEl = new Element( 'td')
. . .
aRow.insert( xEl)
. . .
// alert( aRow.inspect() )
// alert( xTable.inspect() )
debugger // check insert() implementation under IE
xTable.insert( aRow)
Has anybody else had experience with conflicts between Element.insert() and Explorer?