In my Standard MBean, I'd like to set the Description field that shows up in JConsole under the MBeanAttributeInfo heading. Right now it has a default value of "Attribute exposed for management". I can't seem to figure out how I set that when I define the attribute method in the MBean. I'm using a Java 6 JVM. Thanks.
Wow, that's a lot of work, but exactly what I was looking for. I'm new to stackoverflow, and not registered. How do I make this the best answer and/or give you credit for it? Thanks.
2009-06-06 04:23:15
Not sure if you have the up/down arrows to the left of the answer as a new user but I am glad it helped you anyway. It is actually not that much work as soon as you have the proxy class and the annotations in place. I had to do a little work to extend it for NotificationEmitters but it wasn't that hard once you understand how it works.
2009-06-06 21:15:07
Hi Fredrik. I registered, but I don't have enough reputation yet to vote up your answer. I will once I get the reputation. Thanks again.
2009-06-07 01:11:25