I don't know of a way to do it before it has been displayed, but once it is on the screen you could use an approach like this:
private Image GetControlThumb(Control control, int thumbSize)
Bitmap imgLarge = new Bitmap(control.Bounds.Width, control.Bounds.Height);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(imgLarge))
control.Parent.PointToScreen(new Point(control.Left, control.Top)),
new Point(0, 0),
new Size(control.Bounds.Width, control.Bounds.Height));
Size size;
if (control.Width > control.Height)
size = new Size(thumbSize, (int)(thumbSize * (float)control.Height / (float)control.Width));
size = new Size((int)(thumbSize * (float)control.Width / (float)control.Height), thumbSize);
Image imgSmall = imgLarge.GetThumbnailImage(size.Width, size.Height, new Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(delegate { return false; }), IntPtr.Zero);
return imgSmall;
You can use it to get a thumbnail of any control, like this:
myPictureBox.Image = GetControlThumb(someControl, 100);