



+1  Q: 

LaTeX links

How do I link to another section, or subsection of my LaTeX document? What is the conventional format for such links, to write them like [link name], or to do them like webpage hyperlinks?

+4  A: 

It's explained here:

http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Labels_and_Cross-referencing http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Formatting#Typesetting_URLs


If you want to customize how links look, have a look at hyperref's documentation.

Bastien Léonard
+7  A: 

Linking to another section requires some additional markup from your part. The commands to use are:

  • \label{identifier} - Creates a label which can later be referenced by the following two commands

  • \ref{identifier} - LaTeX replaces this markup with the number of the section/subsection/figure/table/theorem in which the label-identifier is defined.

  • \pageref{identifier} - LaTeX replaces this markup with the page number of the section/subsection/figure/table/theorem in which the label-identifier is defined.

So, to create a reference to another section in your text, say "see section X.Y on page Z", you write

\label{mySection} % Put this inside your section

see section \ref{mySection} on page \pageref{mySection}"

Note: When you are cross-referencing, make sure to compile multiple times until you no longer get any warnings.

This is all very true and useful, but does not (by default) create links in the document