One of the disadventage I found in WPF is it doesnot have a Numeric UpDown control. So I make a listbox with height as 25 so that it will display only one item at a time and the vertical scroll feels like a UpDown controls. My problem is when I use the scroll to change the value, I can't get the current value shown in listbox. Can any idea to get the value shown in listbox without selecting it?
well since you are using WPF, you can change the template of your ListBoxItem and change it's look to nothing when the item is selected ( i mean remove the trigger ), that's all.
I hope it's helpful, unless you need other things than this.
2009-06-03 10:37:17
Though there's no standard WPF NumericUpDown, you can try NumericUpDown Custom Control with Theme and UI Automation Support Sample.
2009-06-03 10:41:33
You can also attach a ScrollBar.Scroll event. This fires when you scroll. Maybe you can then change the SelectedIndex manually or set the focus?
2009-06-03 10:52:09