



I have some very simple sample code like this:

  url: 'demo2.htm',
  success: function(loadeddata){
  error: function(){

Loaded data currently returns everything. What I need to is to get only a specific div and after it add it to #loaded_data.

How do I do that?


+4  A: 

This is how jQuery does it internally:


If you expect to have SCRIPT tags in the HTML, you should throw this in to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE:

$("<div/>").append(loadeddata.replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, "")).find('#mydiv');


You are missing the point of what is supposed to be happening.

By doing $("<div/>").append(...); jQuery creates a dummy <div> and gets the browser to parse the HTML by inserting it inside of the <div>. Once that's done, we can find the DIV we want, and return the HTML. So the more proper code sample I should have put above looks like this:

var html = $("<div/>").append(loadeddata).find('#mydiv').html();

As you can see in the link, this does what you want.

Paolo Bergantino
Thanks for your help. I'm not sure what's going on here. But I was unable to get this to work. only want to add #hello to the page. I'm not sure why it turned white after ajax completed. But in the flash there I saw the entire page being added, not just the part I specified.Thanks.

OK, here's a new pastebin with find and the script problem fixed as Paolo mentioned.

As you can see the entire HTML of the page is embedded, rather than just the specified element.
