



Does anyone know how to customize the y-axis labels in a SSRS chart? I'm using SQL Reporting 2008.

Specifically, I have already plotted values over time from a dataset into an Error Bar Chart. I want the y-axis to have 3 labels: (Least, Medium, Most) in place of the numerical values. Where Least is at the bottom (y=0), Medium in the middle, and Most at the top.

Attempt #1 (Customize labels)

I've tried going into the Axis Properties of the y-axis, and clicked on the Number menu on the left to do a custom format. Although I can replace the y-axis numerical value with a text value, I can't seem to find the correct field/value to compare against.

Sample code/concept (note: it doesn't work):

=IIF(Fields!score.Value = 0, "Least",
    IIF(Fields!score.Value = 50, "Medium", 
     IIF(Fields!score.Value = 100, "Most", "")))

Attempt #2 (Horizontal Bar chart)

I've also attempted to use a horizontal bar chart (where the x and y axis are swapped). I created a dummy DataSet using the following SQL:

select 0 as x_axis, 0 as score, 'Least' as description
select 0 as x_axis, 50 as score, 'Medium' as description
select 0 as x_axis, 100 as score, 'Most' as description

I was able to plot this (using only description as the category field) and get the y-axis labels to display, but I would be leaving out the other dataset which contains the actual data I want to display. Charts cannot take more than one dataset and I can't merge one on top of the other (I would only want to display this y-axis with labels instead of the numerical y-axis).

So, I'm out of ideas on how to implement this. Has anyone have a solution for replacing the y-axis labels with custom text?


Here is a link to another thread that answers this question:
