



I am using the JQuery Form Plugin, the JQuery validation plugin and the jqTransform plugin.

I have a hidden form which I make visible to add or edit stuff. Edit or Add actions trigger the next function call.

function activateAddForm(formId,callback) {
            submitHandler: function(form) {
             $(form).ajaxSubmit( {
              dataType: "json", 
                    success: function(json) {

Each call with different parameters. For add, I call it with


for edit, I call it


This is what happens:

  • Reload the page.
  • Edit one toy.
  • Submit the form.
  • The editToy function is called.
  • Try to add something.
  • The function activateAddForm is called with addToy as callback but once the form is submitted the editToy function is called instead.

If the first thing I do after a reload is add a Toy. Then the addToy function is always called.

I have tried adding:

function activateAddForm(formId,callback) {


function activateAddForm(formId,callback) {

But it has not work. Any idea what can I do?

Workaround trials

Activa's suggestion of adding the line:


function activateAddForm(formId,callback) {
        submitHandler: function(form) {
         $(form).ajaxSubmit( {
          dataType: "json", 
                success: function(json) {

Casues the next:

  • Reload the page.
    • Edit one toy.
    • Submit the form.
    • The editToy function is called.
    • Try to add something.
    • The form editToy funciton is called, followed by a call to add function.

The above fix does not work but seems to be in the right direction.

Any more ideas?


There is not enough information to answer your question. If you are working in firefox, try to install firebug plug-in and try to inspect form element.

From the description here I can see you are probably using two different form elements with same ID on the same page. The first thing I would do is to distinguish forms by unique ID element like: edit-form add-form

just a thought I hope someone will have a better answer for you.

I have firebug plugin installed and use it all the time
Sergio del Amo
+1  A: 

After checking the source code for the validator plugin, it seems that once you call the validate() function, subsequent calls to validate() have no effect.

A workaround would be to call the following before calling validate():



Checked your code again, and I think we need to change strategy :-)

function updateAddForm(formId,callback) {
$('#' + formId).data("successCallback",callback);

function initAddForm(formId) {
        submitHandler: function(form) {
                $(form).ajaxSubmit( {
                        dataType: "json", 
                success: function(json) {

At the start, you call:


To set the callback, you call:

updateAddForm('add-new-form', addToy);


updateAddForm('add-new-form', editToy);

That will probably do the trick.

Philippe Leybaert
Thanks, I tried your workaround, it does not work but it seems to go in the right direction. Any more ideas?
Sergio del Amo
Thanks, a lot man. It worked!. I you ever drop to Spain, let me buy you a beer. :-)
Sergio del Amo
If you're close to Valencia, I may take you up on this :)
Philippe Leybaert
I am close to Madrid. We do not have sea but it is nice too.
Sergio del Amo

$('#comment').validate({ rules:{ comments:{required:true} }, messages:{ comments:{required:'Please enter the comment' } }, submitHandler: function(form) { //asynchronusly post the form data

                        var url=MAIN_SITE_URL+'rating/getrate/';
                        var comments=$('#comments').val(); 
                                             function(response){alert(response); }

shailesh thapa