



So I'm new to SL coming from a WinForms background where I could instantiate a UserControl or Form like this:

MyForm frm = new MyForm();

So in SL, I created a simple Page.xaml and a second xaml file called Page2.xaml - I dropped a button in the Page.xaml file and within that button's click event, I tried adding the following to call the 2nd xaml file:

private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    Page2 frm2 = new Page2();
    frm2.  // ?? don't know what write here ??

How can I call XAML UserControls?


I believe in silverlight what you actually need to do is Navigate to a separate page.

It is a web platform so Navigate is the web form of winforms. show() method.

+1  A: 

In order to nagivate to a completely different silverlight page you will need a "container" usercontrol with your main page inside of it. From there you can set your internal UserControl like so:

insideControl = new Page2();

For more information:

Corey Sunwold
Great, I did the following and was able to load my form: this.Content = new Page2();But not exactly what I'm looking for. I would like for Page2() to come up as a "subform", i.e. sort of as a modal form. How can I do this?
You could use the popup control.
Corey Sunwold

The XamlReader class has been developped exactly for that purpose. Using its Load or Parse methods will return you the objects that would have been generated by your Xaml.


You have to create a UserControl.xaml that is tehe container from page.xaml and page2.xaml

this container have a grid with x:Name="miGrid" :

< Grid x:Name="miGrid" />

after you load in childrens of this control the instance of user control in this case frm2..

miGrid.Childrens.Clear(); miGrid.Childrens.Add(frm2);
