



I have a little issue that is causing me a headache. Our Report Server is SQL Ent 2008 on a Win 2008 server. When users that have Report Browser permissions try to set up a report subscription the To: field is grayed out and pre-populated with their username. They cannot change this and it won't deliver to their email address which would be [email protected]. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

+5  A: 

"Site Settings".."Configure item-level role definitions".."Browser"

They can only "Manage individual subscriptions". SSRS won't allow the email address to be changed because they could put any stuff in there.

In BOL, Managing Subscriptions... and How to: Subscribe to a Report (Report Manager), which leads to Configuring a Report Server for E-Mail Delivery. This says:

Configuration Options for Setting the To: Field in a Message

User-defined subscriptions that are created according to the permissions granted by the Manage individual subscriptions task contain a pre-set user name that is based on the domain user account. When the user creates the subscription, the recipient name in the To: field is self-addressed using the domain user account of the person creating the subscription.

If you are using an SMTP server or forwarder that uses e-mail accounts that are different from the domain user account, the report delivery will fail when the SMTP server tries to deliver the report to that user.

To workaround this issue, you can modify configuration settings that allow users to enter a name in the To: field:

  1. Open RSReportServer.config with a text editor.
  2. Set SendEmailToUserAlias to False.
  3. Set DefaultHostName to the Domain Name System (DNS) name or IP address of the SMTP server or forwarder.
  4. Save the file.
gbn,Thanks for the lead. I will give that a shot tonight and report back.