I'm new to mocking so I need a bit of guidance on how to mock HttpPostedFileBase with Rhino Mocks. I am trying to verify that my ToByteArray() extension works as expected and this is what I have so far:
public void Should_return_a_byte_array_with_a_length_of_eleven()
// Arrange
var stream = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("TestContent"));
var httpPostedFileBase = MockRepository.GenerateMock<HttpPostedFileBase>();
httpPostedFileBase.Expect(x => x.InputStream).Return(stream);
httpPostedFileBase.Expect(x => x.ContentLength).Return(11);
// Act
var byteArray = httpPostedFileBase.ToByteArray();
// Assert
Assert.That(byteArray.Length, Is.EqualTo(11));
I can tell that the values get set but by the time my extensionmethod gets the HttpPostedFileBase it has lost all it's values. Any help would be much appreciated.
/ Kristoffer