Let's show some Resharper love and learn new shortcuts while at it:
Along the lines of Joel Spolsky's "What is your single favorite keyboard shortcut in Emacs?" what is your single favorite Resharper shortcut? One shortcut per answer, please.
Would it be:
- ctrl-N/ctrl-shift-N (open type/open file)
- ctrl-shift-G (a friend calls this "Super Go")
- alt-ins
- ctrl-k-ctrl-s/ctrl-/ (comment/uncomment)
- f2 (rename method/variable etc.)
I figure we can deal with more than one favorite by providing multiple answers - let the best ones rise to the top.
I think we have to give this on to Ilya because of his work with Resharper in the first place. Thanks Ilya!
Honourable mention to bdukes for multiple entries in the format requested, the link to reference for Resharper shortcuts for those that don't know it yet, and the mention of the Scout plugin.
For the category of "a shortcut I didn't know that I'm glad to have now": although not necessarily a Resharper one, is Jivko Petiov's for remapping File.OpenContainingFolder to Alt-O
Thanks all!