




Given that Lucene is a robust document based search engine could it be used as an Object Database for simple applications (E.G., CMS style applications) and if so what do you see the benefits and limitations?

I understand the role of the RDBMS (and use them on a daily basis) but watned to explore other technologies/ideas.

For example say my domain entities are like:

public class Employee
    public string FirstName {get;set;}
    public string Surname {get;set;}

Could I use reflection and store the property values of the Employee object as fields in a Lucene document, plus store a binary serialized version of the Employee object into another field in the same Lucene document?

+1  A: 
Justin Niessner
Hi Justin, sorry by my original question lacked some context and hopefully the question is better explained.
Even with the added context, I think I'd still stick with my original answer. Since Lucene is written to hold and query indexed documents...trying to store objects in documents for Lucene to *reliably* search is going to be difficult and inefficient.
Justin Niessner
Thanks Justin. Cheers