I have the following gsp page:
<g:def var="incidentMngmntId" value="${incidentMngmntInstance?.id}"/>
<g:link controller="ticketMngmnt"
action="list" params="[incidentMngmntId : incidentMngmntId]"
id="${incidentMngmntInstance?.id}"> Tickets
The generated URL is as follows
Which is fact is not what is intended. (My intention is to generate a pair var=value as get or post.)
At the ticketMngmnt controller I have the following code which cannot catch the value of the parameter.
def list = {
def incidentMngmntId = params.incidentMngmntId
println "params.incidentMngmntId " + incidentMngmntId
and of course it is always printing
params.incidentMngmntId null
The question is twofold: First, is possible at the gsp level to generate a link of the form http://localhost:8080/smtool/ticketMngmnt/list?incidentMngmntId=94 (or a to give the par var=value as post)
Second, if not -the link remains as http://localhost:8080/smtool/ticketMngmnt/list/94 - then the question is how to read the value 94 at the controller.
Thanks a lot in advance.
PS: BTW, the value 94 is correct