I'm trying to optimize a redmine database before it gets too much of a pain; the Changes (basically a log of all the SVN Changes) is at 137000 rows (ish) and the table is set to the b asic default settings. No key packing etc.
The table is as follows
ID int[11] Auto Inc (PK)
changeset_id int[11]
action varchar[1]
path varchar[255]
from_path varchar[255]
from_revision varchar[255]
revision varchar[255]
branch varchar[255]
Indices: Primary (ID),
changeset_id set to INDEX BTREE
All on latin1 charset based on a bit of info from http://forge.mysql.com/wiki/Top10SQLPerformanceTips
The Table Engine is InnoDB Pack Keys is set to Default (only packs char varchar)
All the other options are turned off.
Whats the best way to optimize this? (Bar Truncate ;o) )