




I copied three classes in from another WPF project and then changed their namespaces.

Now when I run the project, I get errors in the ".g.cs" files which say that the namespace is incorrect. I change this namespace but when I compile and run again, the ".g.cs" files get regenerated and overwritten with the old namespace version and I get the error again.

What are the files and how can I make them be regenerate from the current files instead of some cache that its obviously holding somewhere?

I deleted the \bin and \obj directories and rebuilt but still get the errors.

+1  A: 

Did you update the namespace of the class in the x:Class attribute on UserControl in the XAML too?

Failing that, have you tried rebuilding the project?

Drew Noakes
+4  A: 

The .g.cs file is generated from the .xaml file. You need to change the x:class= attribute in your .xaml file to match the new namespace-qualified class name; then the .g.cs will be generated correctly on next compile. (Don't manually change the .g.cs file -- you'll only frustrate yourself.)

For example, if you previously had this in your .cs:

namespace Foo {
    class Bar { ...

and this in your .xaml:

<UserControl x:Class="Foo.Bar" ...

And then you changed your namespace:

namespace Baz {
    class Bar { ...

Then you would need to change your .xaml file to:

<UserControl x:Class="Baz.Bar" ...
Joe White
that was it: just needed to chnage the the x:class= entries and all was fine again, thanks!
Edward Tanguay

This usually is the result of other errors, that need fixing first.. Check all errors in your error log, and fix the first.. then try again...

Hope this helps..
