



Given the following HTML:

   <li><div>Some content</div></li>
   <li><div>some more content</div></li>
   <li><div>final content</div></li>

I would like to apply a top border around each div. On the last div I would like to put a bottom border. I am targeting IE7/8. I have the top border working fine, I need help getting the bottom border.

I've tried:

   ul > li:last-child > div
        border-bottom: solid 1px black;

I've also tried using last-type-of.

I am looking for a CSS solution and a Jquery solution

+2  A: 

:last-child doesn't work in IE7 (not sure on IE8), so you'll have to do the jquery route. Your css lines up pretty much the same way the selectors would work in jquery:

$('ul > li:last > div').addClass('someclass');

$("#yourUL li:last div").css({'border-bottom':'solid 1px black'});
Vincent Ramdhanie
This doesn't seem to work....
I had an error in the css - fixed now.
Vincent Ramdhanie
+3  A: 

Why do you have a <div> inside the <li>? Completely possible without that.

Anyways, this is how to do it with jQuery:

$('ul > li:last-child > div').css('border-bottom','1px solid black');
Paolo Bergantino
Well Good question might not need it, I needed a background color, as different things in the list have different color backgrounds. I don't think it worked when I put the background on the li but now that I think about it that might have been an unrelated issue
I like your approach over adding the class, as this doesn't require me to change my markup. Thanks again for the help
Be sure you understand the difference between :last-child and :last in jquery. From their docs: :last-child matches all elements that are the last child of their parent.While :last matches only a single element, this matches more then one: One for each parent.
@Scott: I would imagine that's the behavior desired. If you have several ULs you would want to put the border on each last child. Thanks for the note, though.
Paolo Bergantino
+1  A: 

Here's a CSS only solution:

Apply the bottom border to the ul. To make it work cross-browser, remove the padding from the ul and bump the list over with a margin.

ul.border {border-bottom:1px solid #000;padding:0;margin-left:40px;}
ul.border li {border-top:1px solid #000;}

<ul class="border">
   <li>Some content</li>
   <li>some more content</li>
   <li>final content</li>

:last-child is CSS3, unlike :first-child which was introduced in CSS2, and has no IE support while. I believe the following is the safest way to implement it using jquery
