




Is it possible to change the password and other settings of a local Outlook client's pop3 with c#? Any help is appreciated. I did not have much luck searching. Thank you.


Hi Johnny,

I've done some work with AD in C# before, but I've never had to change AD settings. I've had to change some user information but never any actual settings; however, I believe it is fully possible.

This website will show you how to do almost everything with the AD in c#. I hope it helps.



One important thing to remember, though, when modifying AD through C# is that security is still in place. You will need to connect to the AD using a valid username/password that has rights to modify things.

Thank you. I don't think I need to change the AD, however, just the local client. It's hard to explain but they will already have their password. I just need a way to enter it on the client in one place instead of tools, options, etc.
The I'm afraid that I am of no help :(. But I'll leave this link up. It's a great resource :).
How can I add a bounty? I don't see a link.
+1  A: 

You can take a look at the Outlook Redemption utilities. At least, it has some API to query/modify Outlook acounts with the RDOAccounts object model.

Magnus Johansson