



Is there a winform keyboard control out there? I am looking for a control which I can drag and drop. This is for a warehouse application which have touchscreen capability, like the ones found in the resturant applications.

+1  A: 

You can use the built-in accessibility keyboard for this purpose.

JP Alioto
The keys are too small.
Saif Khan
Yuck! I was just playing around with the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7 and you can drag and enlarge it just like any other window. I guess that's no the case for other versions?
JP Alioto
+4  A: 

Here's a CodeProject article that details how to create a Touchscreen Keyboard: Touchscreen Keyboard

Praveen Angyan
Wow thats an awesome looking keyboard for just drawing it in paint.
+2  A: 

Yort has post on how to do this on his blog

Dan Fuller