




When I use ctags to generates tags of the STL and use those tags with Vim, it isn't aware of scoping. If I use ctrl-] it will go to the first tag that matches, even if that is incorrect. For example:

std::list<int> mylist;

if I type ctrl-] while the cursor is over push_back(100), it will take me to the bitvector's implementation of push_back instead of list's.

As far as I know ctags isn't aware of scope but I know there are some Vim plugins that use ctags that are, such as OmniCppComplete. Is anyone aware of any plugins or settings that will fix this?

+2  A: 

What options are you passing to ctags? --extra=+q may help...

John Weldon
-R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=c++So I'm already doing that...
Niki Yoshiuchi
hmm.. Thanks for the upvote anyway. I'm a ctags/omnicppcomplete noob, I just happened to have just installed and run that :)
John Weldon