I'm trying to take an existing JSON object and create smaller JSON chunks out of it specific for creating separate graphs. Here is my code which uses jQuery:
function updateStationGraphs (bsid) {
$.getJSON("includes/system/ajaxDataInterface.php", {format:'flot',target:bsid}, function(data) {
var graphOptions = {
series: {
lines: { show: true },
points: { show: true }
var handsetData = new Array(data[bsid].maxHandsets,data[bsid].avgHandsets);
Clarification: handsetData is expecting something of the format:
[ { label: "Foo", data: [ [10, 1], [17, -14], [30, 5] ] },
{ label: "Bar", data: [ [11, 13], [19, 11], [30, -7] ] } ]
My problem is when calling updateStationGraphs('A5A50000') for instance, it reports data[bsid] is undefined. I had a similar problem previously but my problem turned out to be that I was redeclaring my 'data' object again and was playing with the wrong object. This doesn't seem to be the case here and I can't figure out why it won't let me access data[bsid].
Here is what data is suppose to look like:
var data = {"A5A50000":{"time":{"label":"time","data":[[1244045863,"2009-06-03 16:17:43"],[1244045803,"2009-06-03 16:16:43"],[1244045743,"2009-06-03 16:15:43"],[1244045683,"2009-06-03 16:14:43"],[1244045623,"2009-06-03 16:13:43"],[1244045563,"2009-06-03 16:12:43"],[1244045503,"2009-06-03 16:11:43"],[1244045443,"2009-06-03 16:10:43"],[1244045383,"2009-06-03 16:09:43"],[1244045323,"2009-06-03 16:08:43"]]},"avgHandsets":{"label":"avgHandsets","data":[[1244045863,204.7143],[1244045803,205.9444],[1244045743,205.3333],[1244045683,205.3889],[1244045623,204.5882],[1244045563,204.8235],[1244045503,205],[1244045443,205.9412],[1244045383,205.6667],[1244045323,204.1176]]},"maxHandsets":{"label":"maxHandsets","data":[[1244045863,314],[1244045803,314],[1244045743,315],[1244045683,315],[1244045623,315],[1244045563,314],[1244045503,314],[1244045443,316],[1244045383,316],[1244045323,312]]}}};
Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank in advance.