



I know there is a way to make enum work for string types with conversions galore - the code doesn't look pretty.

Does anyone know of any way to have something like this:

    public SOMESTRUCTURE SessionKeys : string
    value1 = "value1key",
    value2 = "value2key",
    name = "name"

so later in my code I could refer to it as:

+7  A: 

This is about the best I've come up with. (I haven't compiled it, so the syntax may be off.)

public static class SessionKeys
    public const string Value1 = "Value1";
    public const string Value2 = "Value2";
John Fisher
yeah i was thinking about using the static classes. so much cleaner. Just thought maybe there are some other options out there i wasn't aware of.
+1 I use static classes like this all the time.
The problem here is that to pass one of these values to a function, you have to use a plain old string parameter, and so of course the compiler would allow _any_ string for that function.
Joel Coehoorn
@Joel Coehoorn, gnomixa: You can create your own type, though that is much much messier. You can also supply a dictionary to validate that it is a valid "SessionKey". @gnomixa: Also, see this link about your naming:
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
+3  A: 

Using C# 2.0 - I believe the best option is to use a static class with constants for your values, as suggested by John Fisher.

If you can use C# 3.0, you could use a standard enum, and a simple extension method to handle the conversion in a less objectionable manner.

Reed Copsey
+3  A: 

See my answer here:

The difference between this and John Fisher's answer is that you can pass SessionKeys as function parameters and get the enum-like semantics you want.

The previous question asked for VB.Net, but a C# port shouldn't be that hard. In fact, here (untested):

public interface ICustomEnum<T>
    ICustomEnum<T> FromT(T value);
    T Value { get; }

    // Implement using a sealed class with a private constructor 
    // that accepts and sets the Value property, 
    // one shared readonly property for each desired value in the enum,
    // and implicit conversions to and from T.
    // Then see this link to get intellisense support
    // that exactly matches a normal enum:
    // Note that the completion list only works for VB.

/// <completionlist cref="SessionKeys"/>
public sealed SessionKeys: ICustomEnum<string>
    private string _value;
    public string Value { get { return _value; } } 

    private SessionKeys(string value)
        _value = value;

    private static SessionKeys _value1 = new MyStringEnum("value1key");
    public static SessionKeys value1 { get { return _value1;} } 

    private static MyStringEnum _value2 = new MyStringEnum("value2key");
    public static MyStringEnum value2 { get { return _value2;} } 

    public static ICustomEnum<string> FromString(string value) 
        // use reflection or a dictionary here if you have a lot of values
        switch( value )
            case "value1key":
                return value1;
            case "value2key":
                return value2;
                return null; //or throw an exception

    public ICustomEnum<string> FromT(string value) 
        return FromString(value);

    public static implicit operator string(SessionKeys item)
        return item.Value;

    public static implicit operator SessionKeys(string value)
        return FromString(value);

You don't really need the interface, but I keep it to remind me how to implement them.

Joel Coehoorn
+1  A: 

The thing is that an enum isn't just a static class with a bunch of public numerical constants. An enum is a Type. With constants you lose type safety. You can achieve type safety if you make the static members of your class the same type as the class.

public sealed class SessionKey
    private _value; 
    private SessionKey( string value )
     _value = value;

    public string Value { get return _value; }

    public static readonly SessionKey Value1 = new SessionKey( "Value1" );
    public static readonly SessionKey Value2 = new SessionKey( "Value2" );

public class Something
    /* stuff */
    public void Foo( SessionKey sessionKey )
     switch( sessionKey.Value )
      case SessionKey.Value1.Value:
      case SessionKey.Value2.Value:

    /* other stuff */
Brian Reiter