



I like programming, but I'm starting to get bored. To bring back the fun, I would like to create small and fun web applications.

So, please give some ideas of web applications/gadgets that can be created in a short time(10-20 hours). Utility is not very important, being challenging or fun is all it matters.


+1  A: 

How about games? You can do 2D sprite-based games using DIVs. Just make them absolutely positioned and change their "top" and "left."

+1 I had good fun one summer (5 years ago i think) writing an old school 2d (snes-style) rpg tiling 'engine' in only html/javascript/css (in my spare time). Progress unfortunately stopped when i realized i had no real drawing or storytelling ability ;-)
You could remake Tetris. Add it to your resume.

Have you ever heard of funny farm? It's a word game where you need to fill out a web of words. Each word is connected to 1 or more other words. The connection between 2 words means the words are related.

Make something like that.

Or how about a collaborative story where people can add to a story. They can only add a set amount of characters per submission... like twitter but focused on creating a story.

+1  A: 

How about thinking of a bigger project and doing it in phases? Start with a small web app and add features. For example if you decide to do a q+a site like stackoverflow you can start with basic question and answer functionality, add voting, add badges, etc. You never know you might end up with something interesting in the end. Good luck!


You can always look for ideas in the analog gaming world and transform them to a web application.

Board games for instance.
I once wrote a MasterMind. There was even an 'autoplay' option :-)
It was a windows application though (not much web in that time).

Or you could create multiplayer card games...
This is something I have been thinking about of creating myself sometimes... If I only had more time ;-)
I would start with a very basic cardgame 'engine'... basically a table on which x persons can sit and one stack of cards. No rules to start. Cards can be dealt and players can play cards whenever they like.
Then you could implement different cardgames on top of that.
At first only real humans would be able to play with it, but if you get bored again, you could implement "digital players" on top of that.
