I have a list of words that should be replaced on HTML page, but only if word is not inside a list of tags (like A B I)
So if there is text :
<p> some text and XXX term <a href="http://some-XXX-bla.com">good morning XXX world</a> other text and XXX term <b>another XXX inside other sentance</b> </p>
and XXX should be replaced to YYY than final text should be:
<p> some text and YYY term <a href="http://some-XXX-bla.com">good morning XXX world</a> other text and YYY term <b>another XXX inside other sentance</b> </p>
YYY replaced XXX only if XXX was not inside a list of restricted tags (A, I, B)
Should be done somehow in C# regex
Thanks a lot for help :)