



How do I configure Castle Windsor to use an Initialize method for a static helper class when requesting an object? I am trying to add some extension methods HtmlHelper so it has to be a static class and method. My HtmlHelper extensions depend on a IHtmlHelpersService that is configured with Castle Windsor already. I am using Convention Over Configuration.

Edit I think what I want is a ComponentActivator or the UsingFactory. Am I going down a dead end that way?

+1  A: 

I think you mean Convention over configuration?

I don't know of any way to do what you suggest. It's a bit hacky, but you could always create a class that is not static that conforms to the interface and simply executes the static methods you need it to. Sometimes this type of thing is a necessary evil when using a third-party project. Of course if you contributed the patch for static support to the Castle project, they may accept it

Doh, yea. I fixed it.
Daniel A. White

I don't think IoC can help you with static classes, Windsor (or any other IoC for that matter) need something it can instantiate (call a constructor).

Are you trying to swap out helper methods depending on configuration? If so, maybe you could write a single set of extension methods that call the IoC for their implementations.

Chris Brandsma

Another option, is to create a base class for all of your ViewPages. Hide the existing HtmlHelper property with your own version:

public class MyHtmlHelper : HtmlHelper
  // Take helper service, implement special methods

public class MyViewPage : ViewPage
  protected new MyHtmlHelper HtmlHelper { get; set; }
  // Wire up HtmlHelper as appropriate -- which is not going to be easy since
  // the base property could be set at any time.

Now all your view pages will use your special MyHtmlHelper with all your special sauce, and they don't even need to be extension methods. A variation is to have your MyHtmlHelper expose the service and continue to write extension methods that target that helper.
