Is there a elagant way with delphi (6) to remove the parity bit in a file. In this case every 9e bit.
Cheers Ernest
Is there a elagant way with delphi (6) to remove the parity bit in a file. In this case every 9e bit.
Cheers Ernest
Assuming your file is a long bit stream containing 9-bit blocks and you want to output the same stream but with 8-bit blocks (i.e. dropping every 9th bit).
You could read 9 bytes at a time (72 bits = eight 9-bit blocks) and then use bit shifting to put these into eight 8-bit blocks.
You would need some special processing to handle a file that isn't a multiple of 9 bytes, so this is just a rough guide.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FSIn: TFileStream;
FSOut: TFileStream;
InBuffer: array[0..8] of Byte;
OutBuffer: array[0..7] of Byte;
X: Integer;
BytesRead: Integer;
BytesToWrite: Integer;
FSIn := TFileStream.Create('Input.dat', fmOpenRead);
FSOut := TFileStream.Create('Output.dat', fmCreate);
for X := 1 to FSIn.Size div 9 do
FillChar(InBuffer[0], 9, 0);
BytesRead := FSIn.Read(InBuffer[0], 9);
OutBuffer[0] := InBuffer[0];
OutBuffer[1] := (InBuffer[1] and 127) shl 1 + (InBuffer[2] and 128) shr 7;
OutBuffer[2] := (InBuffer[2] and 63) shl 2 + (InBuffer[3] and 192) shr 6;
OutBuffer[3] := (InBuffer[3] and 31) shl 3 + (InBuffer[4] and 224) shr 5;
OutBuffer[4] := (InBuffer[4] and 15) shl 4 + (InBuffer[5] and 240) shr 4;
OutBuffer[5] := (InBuffer[5] and 7) shl 5 + (InBuffer[6] and 248) shr 3;
OutBuffer[6] := (InBuffer[6] and 3) shl 6 + (InBuffer[7] and 252) shr 2;
OutBuffer[7] := (InBuffer[7] and 1) shl 7 + (InBuffer[8] and 254) shr 1;
if BytesRead < 9 then
// To do - handle case where 9 bytes could not be read from input
BytesToWrite := 8;
end else
BytesToWrite := 8;
FSOut.Write(OutBuffer[0], BytesToWrite);
Assuming you can read the thing one on one into an integer.
i := i xor 512;