I currently work on contract/consulting on site for various local subcontracting firms. I've been making a effort to grow into my own company and one of the things I'd like to start doing is working form my own office at home.
I've located sites like www.odesk.com www.elance.com but dear Lord they don't pay well. A quick perusal of the jobs offered/completed left me with the impression that the average hourly rate was around $15/hr. My average for on site work is $60 to $80/hr.
Are there any resources that have better rates? Are people just doing multiple jobs at once?
UPDATE: I'm already hooked up with local subcontracting firms that offer anything from 3 months to multi year contracts. 99% of those contracts are on site. What I'd like to do is start building a network of contacts for the same kind of work but off site. It's the latter I'm coming up short on. Anybody know of any good subcontracting companies that specialize in offsite?