




I am starting development on a medium-scale C++ project that has to work with a Microsoft SQL Server database. I have done database work before using .NET technologies but I don't find using a .NET approach to be appropriate this time. I would like to get some feedback concerning the various free (as in GPL, LGPL, Boost) C/C++ SQL libraries available. I found MySQL++ and SOCI to be pretty interesting and I would like to know which one you guys prefer and why.

Also, although this project will primarily be run on Windows workstations, I prefer developing under Linux so cross-platform compatibility is an advantage.

Thank you all for your time, I really appreciate your advices !


EDIT : Sorry about the typo, I meant Microsoft SQL Server and not MySQL Server.

+3  A: 

I can highly recommend OTL.

Not only does it support all major DBs, it's also very STL-ish and is generally written according to to proper C++ methodology (IMO). It worked for me just fine on VC8 (I used the MySQL ODBC connector).

Moreover, it's a one-header library. So there's no linkage issues or anything. Just include the header and you're done. You're 3 lines of code away from querying a MySQL table.

I've used it over the past few months, and also had a good experience communicating with its developer, asking questions, etc.

Assaf Lavie
I've used OTL on an Oracle project before and have been reasonably happy. It's not perfect, but it does the job well enough.
Austin Ziegler
Very interesting library indeed. Do you know where I can find a good tutorial ?It seems like SQL Server is not often supported by C/C++ libraries.
I haven't seen a tutorial out there, just the dozens of examples it has for each DB system. I think if you take a look you'll see that it's really easy to get started with this library.
Assaf Lavie

I recommend SQLAPI++. It's shareware so you can try it for free and the support is excellent. Works for Windows and Linux.

I considered it but the price tag (around 299$ if my memory serves me well) is bit too high. Corporate politics... I will not get into that but i'm sure you understand what i'm talking about.