I have This script
<div style="position:relative ;overflow:hidden ; height:195px;">
<div style="position:absolute" class="scroll">
{foreach from=$announce_list item=a}
<img src="imgsize.php?w=214&h=100&img=../uploads/announce/{$a.--------}.jpg" />
<h4 dir="rtl" style="padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:5px;">{$a.------}</h4>
<p dir="rtl" style="text-align:justify ;line-height:17px;">{$a.---------|truncate:"300":"..." }</p>
function change_announce()
var Scroll = $('.scroll') ;
Scroll.children('div:first').animate({marginTop:'-195px' } , 1000 ,
Scroll.children('div:first').appendTo(Scroll).css('marginTop' , '0px' ).fadeIn(2000);
setInterval(change_announce , 3000) ;
on this page in right pane of the site www.mahestan.ac.ir in this demonstration animation is not completlatly executed after second div hide next div dosen't complete animation a sudden jump occur !! :) i can't explain that very well sorry . Tank for Helping .