For example, 4 is converted to "Four" and 33333 is converted to "Thirty three thousands three hundred and thirty three". I am thinking of using JQUERY instead of plain JAVASCRIPT.
Here is the code in its entirety:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function NumberToTextConverter()
this.TEN = 10;
this.HUNDRED = 100;
this.THOUSAND = 1000;
this.MILLION = 1000000;
this.BILLION = 1000000000;
this.wordList = new Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "TEN", "ELEVEN", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen");
this.wordList2 = [];
this.initializeTwentys(); // this would populate the twentys
NumberToTextConverter.Convert = function(number)
var currentConverter = new NumberToTextConverter();
return currentConverter.Convert(number);
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.Convert = function(number)
var quotient = Math.floor(number / this.BILLION);
var remainder = number % this.BILLION;
var word = "";
var realValue = "";
var converter = this;
if (number < this.BILLION)
return converter.ConvertToMillions(number);
var quotientValue = quotient.toString();
if (quotientValue.length == 3)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertHundreds(quotient) + " billions ";
else if (quotientValue.length == 2)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertToDoubleDigit(quotient) + " billions ";
realValue = realValue + this.wordList[quotient] + " billions ";
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertToMillions(remainder);
return realValue;
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.ConvertToMillions = function(number)
var quotient = Math.floor(number / this.MILLION);
var remainder = number % this.MILLION;
var word = "";
var realValue = "";
var converter = this;
if (number < this.MILLION)
return converter.ConverToThousands(number);
var quotientValue = quotient.toString();
if (quotientValue.length == 3)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertHundreds(quotient) + " millions ";
else if (quotientValue.length == 2)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertToDoubleDigit(quotient) + " millions ";
realValue = realValue + this.wordList[quotient] + " millions ";
realValue = realValue + converter.ConverToThousands(remainder);
return realValue;
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.ConverToThousands = function(number)
var quotient = Math.floor(number / this.THOUSAND);
var remainder = number % this.THOUSAND;
var word = "";
var realValue = "";
var converter = this;
if (number < this.THOUSAND)
return converter.ConvertHundreds(number);
var quotientValue = quotient.toString();
if (quotientValue.length == 3)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertHundreds(quotient) + " thousands ";
else if (quotientValue.length == 2)
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertToDoubleDigit(quotient) + " thousands ";
realValue = realValue + this.wordList[quotient] + " thousands ";
realValue = realValue + converter.ConvertHundreds(remainder);
return realValue;
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.ConvertHundreds = function(number)
var quotient = Math.floor(number / this.HUNDRED);
var remainder = number % this.HUNDRED;
var word = "";
var converter = this;
if (number >= 100)
return this.wordList[quotient] + " hundred " + converter.ConvertToDoubleDigit(remainder);
return converter.ConvertToDoubleDigit(remainder);
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.initializeTwentys = function()
this.wordList2[0] = "";
this.wordList2[1] = "TEN";
this.wordList2[2] = "TWENTY";
this.wordList2[3] = "THIRTY";
this.wordList2[4] = "FOURTY";
this.wordList2[5] = "FIFTY";
this.wordList2[6] = "Sixty";
this.wordList2[7] = "Seventy";
this.wordList2[8] = "Eighty";
this.wordList2[9] = "Ninety";
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.ConvertSingleDigit = function(number)
return this.wordList[number];
NumberToTextConverter.prototype.ConvertToDoubleDigit = function(number)
var quotient = Math.floor(number / this.TEN);
var remainder = number % this.TEN;
var word = "";
if (number > 19)
switch (quotient)
case 2: word = this.wordList2[2]; break;
case 3: word = this.wordList2[3]; break;
case 4: word = this.wordList2[4]; break;
case 5: word = this.wordList2[5]; break;
case 6: word = this.wordList2[6]; break;
case 7: word = this.wordList2[7]; break;
case 8: word = this.wordList2[8]; break;
case 9: word = this.wordList2[9]; break;
return word + " " + this.wordList[remainder];
return this.wordList[number];
function PleaseConvert()
var value = document.getElementById("txtNumberInput").value;
var checkValue = NumberToTextConverter.Convert(parseInt(value));
var currentSpanTag = document.getElementById("spanText"); = '#aadd88'; = 'dotted 1px #333377';
currentSpanTag.innerHTML = checkValue;
Your opinions and ideas are appreciated!! My Question is whether it would be good idea to spend time by implementing this logic using JQUERY? Here is the working code :