As a matter of fact both the time drop down and its initializers are implemented as private data members of the DateTimeControl class so you can not change the values directly. However, the minutes drop down is prepared inside OnPreRender, we can get the control and reset its values indirectly to get desired behavior. Here is one approach
public class MyDateTimeControl : DateTimeControl
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output)
DropDownList minuteControl = null;
string[] newMinutesRange = new string[] { "00", "15", "30", "45" };
string[] newMinutesRangeExt = new string[] { "00", "15", "30", "45", "" };
int index = 0;
int selectedMinutes;
if (!this.DateOnly && this.Controls.Count == 4)
minuteControl = (DropDownList)this.Controls[2];
catch { }
if (minuteControl != null && !this.DateOnly)
selectedMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(minuteControl.SelectedValue);
if (selectedMinutes % 15 > 0)
index = 4;
newMinutesRangeExt.SetValue(selectedMinutes.ToString(), index);
newMinutesRange = newMinutesRangeExt;
index = selectedMinutes / 15;
minuteControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
minuteControl.DataSource = newMinutesRange;
minuteControl.SelectedIndex = index;
Hope this helps