I have a class that derives from XNA's GraphicsDevice, and i want to use it in my game. However, i can't quite figure out what i'm supposed to do to make this new graphics device replace the old one. Any suggestions?
Check out the winforms sample to show how to manually create a graphics device and what settings you need to set: http://creators.xna.com/en-us/sample/winforms_series1
Joel Martinez
2009-06-10 00:59:52
Um, i dont think that helps. i want to know how i might go about creating an extended game class that replaces the graphics device with my extended one. Thanks anyway though
2009-06-10 03:05:37
It looks like you can subclass the GraphicsDeviceManager class, which would give you access to the GraphicsDeviceManager's GraphicsDevice class, which is publicly get-only. Here's an example MSDN article about subclassing the GraphicsDeviceManager class:
2009-06-10 03:10:40