Hi, I do not find the right expression to select table rows that must be hidden according to the value ofe the cell on which the user has clicked. I have several rows similar to this:
<tr id='row2'>
<td class='col1'>val 1</td>
<td class='col2'>Val 2</td>
<td class='col3'>val 3</td>
<td class='col4'>Val 4</td>
<td class='col5'>Val 5</td>
<td class='col6'>Val 6</td>
<td class='col7'>Val 7</td></tr>
and different rows could have the same value on the same column. When che user clicks on a cell I wish to hide() all the cells that have a value different from the selected one.
I have binded my click event and in the routine I have already got the class id of the column (let say: 'col 4') clicked and the value of the cell (let say: 'val 4'). I would expect that something like:
$('tr').not(...some expression...).contains('val 4').hide()
would save the day bu I have trouble to determine the proper expression.
have some hints?