



Hello guys, I was assigned to develop a website looks similar to MSDN Library.

According to MSDN Library, I have sense that their tree menu is updated in the database. They are not fixed like others Javascript tree menu. But I am not sure, I just have doubt, is it true that the paragraph in Tree Menu of MSDN library is store in the database? If it's true, respectfully, may you please provide me a brief explanation of MSDN library database diagram? I really appreciate for all the contributor in StackOverFlow and looking forward for the response.

+1  A: 

It is sort of true, the following is from Scott Hanselman's blog discussing msdn:

I figured there can't just be the (loband) "switch" and I mentioned I thought that having to hack the URL was kind of wonky. Turns out that the whole MSDN system isn't a bunch of files on disk, but files in a database with an ASP.NET Virtual Path Provider. Tim Ewald wrote about how they did this WAY back in February of 2005. This was, at the time, kind of a poor-man's ASP.NET Routing:

The normalized path points to a file that does not exist on disk. Rather, the page data is stored in the content cache. The system uses a VirtualPathProvider (VPP) to bridge the gap between the two. In essence, a VPP intercepts all of the ASP.NET plumbing's requests for file streams and gives you a chance to load them from wherever you like. Every ASP.NET app uses a default VPP that simply maps to the file system. An MTPS-based site registers a custom VirtualPathProvider, which sits in front of the default VPP, forming a chain. The custom VPP uses the DocumentInfo and ContentSet objects that the HTTP module's OnPreResolveRequestCache event handler stored in HTTP context to load a topic from the content cache and return it as an .aspx file stream.

And if you want to know more about how MSDN is built have a look at the linked article from Tim Ewald

Thanks you so much. Very helpful article.