Which of the following allows more than one statement to appear on a single text Line? a) Colon ( : ) b) Semicolon ( ; ) c) Space + Underscore ( _ ) d) Underscore + space ( _ )
Thanks :)
Which of the following allows more than one statement to appear on a single text Line? a) Colon ( : ) b) Semicolon ( ; ) c) Space + Underscore ( _ ) d) Underscore + space ( _ )
Thanks :)
Colon. Space + Underscore is used to split a single statement over multiple lines.
Do you mean what allows a single statement to appear on MORE than one line of text, e.g:
If so, the answer is [space][underscore], as:
somefunction(param1 _
param2 _
Hmmm, just had to edit my reply to show newlines, but could only get it correctly formatted by using 2 newlines, but (formatting aside) you get the point.
The Visual Basic .NET Language Specification shows that a StatementTerminator
is either a LineTerminator
(which is a newline or a couple of other choices) or a colon (':').
The following lines:
IF Value = 10 THEN
AnotherValue = 42
YetAnotherValue = "Hello World!"
CallOtherFunction 24, 28
are equivalent to:
IF Value = 10 THEN IncrementCounter: AnotherValue = 42: YetAnotherValue = "Hello World!": CallOtherFunction 24, 28
(Long line causing a scroll bar to appear is intentional.)
But please don't write code that resembles the second example.