Hi all!
I am having problems with subqueries in MySql. I have a table containing user groups. The columns are id, name and the properties with a comment describing each row: (Id is INT, Name VARCHAR, all other TINYINT(1) (boolean that is)
ID | Name | login | post | manage
1 user 1 0 0
2 poster 1 1 0
3 admin 1 1 1
My goal is to be able to list the usergroup properties (login, post and manage above) and the number of usergroups that has each property (3, 2 and 1 respectively).
This query works (but obviously counts the login column every time):
SELECT @colname:=cols.column_name,cols.column_comment,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.usergroups WHERE login=1) AS num_users
FROM information_schema.columns AS cols
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='db' AND TABLE_NAME='usergroups' AND column_type='tinyint(1)';
This does not work (num_users is always 0)
SELECT @colname:=cols.column_name,cols.column_comment,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.usergroups WHERE cols.column_name=1) AS num_users
FROM information_schema.columns AS cols
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='db' AND TABLE_NAME='usergroups' AND column_type='tinyint(1)';
This neither (num_users is always 0)
SELECT @colname:=cols.column_name,cols.column_comment,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db.usergroups WHERE @colname=1) AS num_users
FROM information_schema.columns AS cols
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='db' AND TABLE_NAME='usergroups' AND column_type='tinyint(1)';
Is there any way to get this to work? That is - to evaluate the outer statement first?
Thanks a lot for any help!