



I posted a decimal formvalue in InvariantCulture (16.4) and was surprised that it didnt get to the Model on my german system.

I had to use the german format (16,4). Is there a way to configure the language that is used for parsing parameters?

EDIT: After debugging into the sourcecode found the language specific parts in ValueProviderDictionary

PopulateDictionary. The doumentation there reads:

  1. Request form submission (should be culture-aware)
  2. Values from the RouteData (could be from the typed-in URL or from the route's default values)
  3. URI query string

1.takes CurrentCulture 2./3. take InvariantCulture

This doesnt work for me: I would not expect a different behaviour regarding use of Culture if I post a value or put it in the querystring. It might be necessary if the user fills out parsable values by hand, but its strange if you fill the values for a Listbox. I thing the ideal solution would be, if I could switch between both versions.

Anyway I needed to find a way now to set CultureInfo.CurrentCulture before PopulateDictionary gets called. Thats how I did it:

        void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

+1  A: 

The default parsing uses the CurrentCulture. However, all the parsing methods take an IFormatProvider (which can be a CultureInfo or depending on the thing you are parsing, a NumberFormatInfo or DateTimeFormatInfo). You should use the InvariantCulture for this scenario (anything in the backend that is not displayed to the user should be using the InvariantCulture.)


This solved the problem. But beware: if the user enters values in their local format it will not be parsed. This will hardly happen in my application. Hopefully UI components I use will allow for different culture for displaying and posting values.

    void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

Malcolm Frexner