



I am creating a Javascript object that contains a function that executes a jQuery each method like the following:

function MyClass {

  Method1 = function(obj) { 
    // Does something here

  Method2 = function() {
    $(".SomeClass").each(function() {

       // 1          2



Which object is each THIS referring to? jQuery is referring to the item returned from the each iteration. However, I would like This[1] to refer to the containing class...

How can I refer to the containing class from within the jQuery loop?

+7  A: 

I guess you could do something like this:

function MyClass {
     Method1 = function(obj) {
         //do something here

     Method2 = function () {
          var containingClass = this;
          $(".SomeClass").each(function () {
please scope the containingClass variable to the function using the var keyword. If you don't it will go in the global namespace.
-1 JavaScript 101: use var!!!!!
Throw a var on that ContainingClass assignment, and this is gold.. to the point, and a simple modification of my posted code.
Jeff Fritz
+7  A: 


This means that every time the passed-in function is executed (which is once for every element matched) the 'this' keyword points to the specific DOM element. Note that 'this' does not point to a jQuery object.

Personally, I prefer using explicit parameters. This way, it is more easily readable:

$('#rotfl').each(function(index, domObject)
   var jQueryObject = $(domObject);
   // code

To answer your question: JavaScript has dynamic static scope. You can do the following:

var that = this;
$('#rotfl').each(function(index, domObject)
   var jQueryObject = $(domObject);
   // code
I like the detail of your response...
Jeff Fritz
Urm, don't you mean lexical scope, not dynamic?
J-P: Yes. Thanks for pointing it out.
+1  A: 

What you're seeing isn't an issue with jQuery or its each() method - it is it what some people consider to be a design error in JavaScript - a nested function should "inherit" the context of the previous scope, so 'this' in a nested function should be equal to 'this' in its parent scope unless purposefully called from within a different context (using apply() or call()).

To get around this you need to assign 'this' to a variable before the nested function so that you have another way to reference it.

It is indeed to do with jQuery.each(), which works by using call() (in the most common case) or apply() and thus changes the object that *this* refers to.
Yes, but even if jQuery didn't call()/apply() the function 'this' still wouldn't be what was expected. Try it (function(){(function(){ alert(!!; /* Doesn't exist */ })()}).call({works:true});

In jQuery 1.3.3, you will be able to manually set the context for event handlers and such.

jQuery Edge: Bind with a Different “this”

In the meanwhile, the various techniques here (aliasing "this", using call/apply) are common practise. Peter Higgins of Dojo has also made a jQuery.hitch plugin, which serves the same need.
