Hi Guys,
I have been tasked with creating a mobile application for a Windows 6.0 CE device which is running .NET 2.0.7045.0 Compact Framework.
I have SQL Server 2005 Express running on my local machine and I want to let the Mobile Application have a replication or snapshot of my database, so the users can update the data in the field. Once they return they can sync back up with the device and update the Database with the updated data.
I have zero experience with this, so any help would be appreciated.
I have managed to get my IDE (Visual Studio 2008 Pro) talking to it and I can run my Applications and debug on it.
I assume once the device has been attached to it, it can connect to the computer ipaddress\instance or something?
Does this sound like the correct way to do it?
Cheers, Sarkie