Hello all -
I thought I knew this, but today I'm being proven wrong - again.
Running VS2008, .NET 3.5 and C#. I added the User settings to the Properties Settings tab with default values, then read them in using this code:
myTextBox.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.MyStringProperty;
Then, after the user edits the value in the options dialog I save it like this:
Properties.Settings.Default.MyStringProperty = myTextBox.Text;
My question is, where is this new value saved? the MyApp.exe.config file in the executable directory is not updated, it still contains the default values. Plus, as far as I can tell, none of the other files in that directory are updated either! However, when the program reads the value back in, it gets the changed value, so I know it's saved somewhere...
This isn't just academic, I needed to be able to manually edit the value this morning and got myself stumped when I couldn't find anything that was changing.
Thanks for any insight, Dave