I have already turned this in so you won't be helping me cheat. Just wondering if this looks right:
The assignment: Input a list of employee names and salaries, and determine the mean (average) salary as well as the number of salaries above and below the mean.
The Plan: Allow input of names and salaries Calculate Mean Sort values Count values above Mean Count values below Mean
//This program will allow a user to input an employee name and salary
//The output will contain the mean salary
//as well as the number of salaries above and below the mean
//Arrays Used:
//Name(K) = Array for employee names
//Salary(K) = Array for salaries
//Variables Used:
//Mean = Mean of all employees Salaries
//UpMean = Number of Employees making more than the mean
//DwnMean = Number of Employees making less than the mean
//Sum = Sum of all salaries
//CountM = Counter for Mean
//CountUp = Counter for # of salaries above mean
//CountDwn = Counter for # of salaries below mean
Call WelcomeMessage
Call InputData
Call Calculate
Call OutputData
End Program
Write, “Beginning the Salary Program”
End WelcomeMessage
Declare Name(100) Of Strings
Declare Salary(100) Of Real
Declare Mean, UpMean, DwnMean As Real
Set Sum = 0
Set CountM = 0
Set CountUp = 0
Set CountDwn = 0
Write, "Enter Employee name and Salary."
Write, "Enter *,0 when done."
Input Name(K), Salary(K)
While Name(K) <> "*"
Set CountM = CountM + 1
Set Sum = Sum + Salary
Write, "Enter Employee name and Salary."
Write, "Enter *,0 when done."
Input Name(K), Salary(K)
End While
End InputData
//Here Mean is found
Set Mean = Sum / CountM
//Here Number of Employees making more than the mean is found
For K = Step 1 to CountM
If Salary(K) > Mean Then
Set CountUp = CountUp + 1
End If
//Here Number of Employees making more than the mean is found
Set CountDwn = CountM - CountUp
//The above algorythm doesn't account for the possibility
//of someone making exactly the average so subtract 1 to reconcile
If Salary(K) = Mean Then
Set CountDwn = CountDwn - 1
End If
End Calculation
Write, "There were," CountM, "salaries entered."
Write, "The mean salary is:", Mean
Write, "There are", CountUp, "employees who make more than the average"
Write, "There are", CountDwn, "employees who make less than the average"
End OutputData