I'm having a really strange problem with this code I'm working on at the moment. It's a map editor for a game that sends the variables for each tile to another PHP file to update the mySQL database.
So far the map editor code displays the map and loads everything fine. The map update (mupdate) PHP file correctly updates the database, if given the variables directly in the code.
However, when I send the data as a POST variable between the files, the mupdate file receives them perfectly for the first 18 times or so, then fails to read any more.
Can anyone shed a little light on why this is happening?
(Apologies in advance for my scruffy coding and for the ridiculous load time of the map editor it is loading an entire map, I may change that to 10x10 sections at some point, but the POST var problem still applies.)
The map editor:
//Database Connection
//Map Defaults
mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `mapindex` WHERE `NAME` = '".$world."'")
$tileSet= $mapInfo['TILESET'];
//Loads Current Location
// Splits the Database Location into the co-ordinates.
$startX=$startY = 1;
list($maxX, $maxY) = split('[,]', $mapInfo['SIZE']);
//Listing tiles in directory
$tileDir = "images/tileSets/".$tileSet."/";
$tilecount = count(glob("" . $tileDir . "*.png"));
$objDir = "images/tileSets/objects/";
$Objcount = count(glob("" . $objDir . "*.png"))-1;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Map Editor</title>
<form action="mupdate.php" method="post">
//Map and Co-Ord values
echo('<input name="world" type="hidden" id="world" value="'.$mapInfo['NAME'].'" />');
echo('<input name="size" type="hidden" id="size" value="'.$mapInfo['SIZE'].'" />');
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
echo("<tr>"); //BEGIN ROW
echo("<td>");//BEGIN CELL
///////////////////////CELL CONTENT///////////////////////
//Tile Menu
echo('Tile:<br /><select name="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-tile" id="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-tile" size="1" style="overflow:scroll;width:40px;height:20px;">');
echo('<option value="'.$possibleTile.'" style="width:40px; height:40px; background-image: url('.$tileDir.$possibleTile.'.png);">'.$possibleTile.'</option>');
echo('</select><br />');
echo('Obj LVL1:<br /><select name="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-ob1" id="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-ob1" size="1" style="overflow:scroll;width:40px;height:20px;">');
echo('<option value="'.$possibleObject.'" style="width:40px; height:40px; background-image: url('.$objDir.$possibleObject.'.png);">'.$possibleObject.'</option>');
echo('</select><br />');
echo('Obj LVL2:<br /><select name="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-ob2" id="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-ob2" size="1" style="overflow:scroll;width:40px; height:20px;">');
echo('<option value="'.$possibleObject.'" style="width:40px; height:40px; background-image: url('.$objDir.$possibleObject.'.png);">'.$possibleObject.'</option>');
echo('Buildable:<br /><select name="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-build" id="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-build" size="1" style="overflow:scroll;width:40px; height:20px;">');
echo('<option value="'.$possibleOption.'">'.$possibleOption.'</option>');
echo('Type:<br /><select name="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-type" id="'.$startX.','.$startY.'-type" size="1" style="overflow:scroll;width:40px; height:20px;">');
echo('<option value="passable">Walkable</option>');
echo('<option value="impassable">Blocked</option>');
echo('<option value="teleport">Teleport</option>');
echo("</td>");//END CELL
echo("</tr>");//END ROW
<input type="submit" name="submit" />
Map Updater: [Clicking Submit on the above page will take you to it)
//Database Connection
//Printing the Data in the POST array
// A Spacer for convenience's sake
echo('<br /><hr> <br />');
//Setting the Name of the map to update
//Getting the Max X/Y dimensions of the map (in tiles)
list($mapX, $mapY) = split('[,]', $_POST['size']);
//Setting the start points for the loops
//Row (Y-Axis) Update Loop
//Column (X-Axis) Update Loop
//Checking for missing data on cell Type (Walkable/Blocking/Teleport)
if(empty($_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-type'])) {
die("Failed on 'type': currX={$currX} - currY={$currY} - POST DATA: {$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-type']}");
//Checking for missing data on cell Tile (The base graphic, represented by a number which matches an image file)
if(empty($_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-tile'])) {
die("Failed on 'tile': currX={$currX} - currY={$currY} - POST DATA: {$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-tile']}");
echo("UPDATE `maps` SET `TYPE`='".$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-type']."', `TILE` = '".$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-tile']."', `BUILD` = '".$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-build']."', `OBJECTS` = '".$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-ob1'].",".$_POST[$currX.','.$currY.'-ob2']."' WHERE CONVERT( `maps`.`MAP` USING utf8 ) = '".$mapName."' AND CONVERT( `maps`.`XY` USING utf8 ) = '".$currX.",".$currY."'");
//A spacer for Clarity's sake
echo('<br />');
//Updating the Column (X-Axis) Value
echo("Row ".$currY." of ".$mapY." completed.<br>Sleeping 1 Second.");
//Resetting Column (X-Axis) to 1
//Updating the Column (Y-Axis) Value
//A spacer for Clarity's sake
echo('<br />');
//Sleep for 1 Second. Stops the DB being overloaded with requests (as discovered with my map generator)
//sleep(1); //uncommented in working version
//Closing the DB connection
Just to Clarify: The Output of the Code fails to include the Values for Tile, Type and Build after the 19th entry:
No. 19 -
UPDATE `maps` SET `TYPE`='passable', `TILE` = '1', `BUILD` = '0', `OBJECTS` = '0,0' WHERE CONVERT( `maps`.`MAP` USING utf8 ) = 'slums' AND CONVERT( `maps`.`XY` USING utf8 ) = '19,1'
No. 20 -
UPDATE `maps` SET `TYPE`='', `TILE` = '1', `BUILD` = '', `OBJECTS` = '0,0' WHERE CONVERT( `maps`.`MAP` USING utf8 ) = 'slums' AND CONVERT( `maps`.`XY` USING utf8 ) = '20,1'
No. 21 -
UPDATE `maps` SET `TYPE`='', `TILE` = '', `BUILD` = '', `OBJECTS` = ',' WHERE CONVERT( `maps`.`MAP` USING utf8 ) = 'slums' AND CONVERT( `maps`.`XY` USING utf8 ) = '21,1'
Appendix: Thanks Phil for pointing out the mysql_close() mistake, I've added the code you suggested and also added a check for another var (I can't use it to check for build though as it uses a single int as true or false). Interestingly enough, one time the printr($_POST); gave me the complete amount of data, but the rest of the code failed at number 20, now it only displays it up to number 20. I'm wondering if it would help if I made the post values in arrays (i.e. $_POST[20,1][type])