Does anyone know how to set a height and width on a subreport so that it forces the subreport to wrap into several columns?
The delimma: I have to show a legend in a limited amount of space in a page header above a tabular report, and I'd like to limit the height of the legend so that it wraps into multiple columns, as needed. For example, the subreport might be pulling from a dataset containing 8 items: 1-red, 2-blue, 3-purple, 4-green, 5-yellow, 6-orange, 7-brown, 8-black. I'd like for the subreport to be formatted into 3 columns/3 rows, showing the first 3 in the first column, the next 3 in the 2nd column, and the last 2 in the last column.
Currently, the subreport is setup to have 3 columns, and the size of the subreport area inside of the master report is set to the exact same size as the subreport, itself. However, when I run either of the two, I'm getting only 1 column, and the height of the subreport is expanding to fit everything into 1 column.
Does anyone know of a work-around for this?