



I want to setup a Win7 virtual machine to develop using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5.

I don't know what the best order to install what I need. I will need to install:

a) Visual Studio 2008 b) IIS c) Service Packs for Visual Studio and/or .Net Framework

My last try was bad, I cannot do my old ASP.Net 3.5 web app to work on Win7 (works fine on Win2003).

Another questions are, if I choose to use Visual Studio 2010 (to develop ASP.Net 3.5), it's recommended? And the installation order will change?

Thanks for all

+1  A: 

I'd install IIS first, then Visual Studio 2008. The framework will come with VS.NET 2008. If all goes wrong learn to use aspnet_regiis.exe

+2  A: 

Your best bet is to actually use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This tool will walk you through installing ALL of the components you need to host a web application. Pick your platform (PHP, ASP.NET, etc), an optional application (DasBlog, etc), and even choose to download Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express. It will install everything for you seamlessly. I've used it and I highly recommend it for a "clean" install.

Josh E
Jerk. Was about to answer with this. I hate you. Also, everything other than VS should be installed and fully updated first. WPI will take care of almost all of this for you, and is completely awesome and I love it. Unlike you.
Sorry Will, if I only knew you were going to post this first... can't we still be friends?
Josh E
nice! it's compatible with Win7?
Click Ok
AFAIK, yes it is. You may have to use v2.0 Beta, though.
Josh E